June 30, 2012

Of Photographs and Unexpected Meetings

I have always been a fan of Carina Santos' work and was pleasantly surprised when the beau said we'd go to her exhibit's opening this Saturday. So with just a few hours sleep, we hauled our butts off to Blanc, Manila Peninsula to gawk at Carina's art and (finally) meet the artist herself.

Carina lets us peek into her personal life through photographs of herself (most specifically, her feet), stitched faces of her family and also shares with us some bits of history with cutouts from books and magazines (like the three XOs). Much like Joseph Cornell's boxes, the pieces evoke nostalgia, a stirring of one's rememberance, be it the audience's or the artist's own.

Collages had never been one of my finer crafts (mine always look so disoriented) so I have HUGE respect to people who can actually collect ordinary objects and turn them into art.

And I finally got to meet Carina! Yaaay!

I think a lot of the Tumblrfolk went to the opening and it was fun to see all these wonderful people in one place to support Carina. It really was heartwarming.

Speaking of Tumblrfolk, I had been wanting to see all the friends that I met through Tumblr. And I was so glad I finally got to meet all of them at the opening! Who would've thought we'd bump into each other here...

Jaime + Fatima and Shinji + Jel

So from the exhibit, we found ourselves in the middle of chaos at the Fete dela Musique Rock and Indie stage at B-side, Collective in Malugay, Makati. I remember asking myself, "how in the world did we end up here...?" and realized that yes, they told me they're playing amd yes, it's for Fete. I know... I was too excited to comprehend we were going to a rock fest. Hah! So we went there and listened to The Strangeness.

And some shots of the Fete people:

Oh hey it's Myrene! (the boyfriend was fanboy-ing at the time)

We had to go home early that night. But for the short time that we spent "meeting" people, I'm pretty happy and I couldn't have wished it any other way. :)